Saturday, June 13, 2009

Final Survey

I completed the final survey and the course evaluation. Yea!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Asynchronous and Synchronous

Asynchronous and Synchronous

I prefer asynchronous communication because it is not always easy to find the right time with all the people you want to communicate with at the same time. It is easy to put videos on for others to view at their own convenience. I think that I could use video communication in the future to put posts on my website. Maybe of what students missed, events we will be doing in the future, or even video conferences with parents that cannot make it in person.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Internet Safety Assignment (Doing)

I chose to interview a girl that is 15 years old. I first talked with her to see what her views were on the Internet and how much she new about it. After being surprised at how little she really did know I showed her some of the videos that I had found on through the assignment and she was shocked. She saw herself in some of the people that she watched and I think I made an impact on her decision making on the Internet. She came back to me a couple days after I had talked to her and told me that she even showed it to a few of her other friends. I can see the great importance in teaching others the truth about technology, and also the proper resources to search things.

Internet Safety Assignment (Video)

The following videos were really powerful to me:
Internet Passwords
Online Friends

Internet Safety Assignment

I read all the articles and I can see the great importance in Internet safety, a unit in my health class is about informing my students about the media. I look forward to showing them proper search engines and how to find correct information.
I thought the counsel from M. Russell Ballard was striking and important when he said that the media has the influence to tear families apart.
I really appreciated what Elder Bednar said about technology being a good thing, but it should also be controlled. The spirit can only stay with us when we are in tune of its actions, I liked the idea that Satan is more easily invited in when technology is so easily available.
The guidelines about pornography were things that I had never thought about before. Even though I do not have a family yet I know that I can follow those guidelines. They were good procedures that I can implement and also teach my future students.
I have become more aware of my communication style from the article that I read. I was surprised at the things i notice I say quite a lot and the wrong impact it may have on my students.
As a Young women's Leader I thought that it would be helpful to find an article that helped my students out. I found an article entitled "Hows your media diet-harmful or helpful?" It was very interesting, it had checklists and quotes from President Hinkley. I also liked the questions that it gave for people to ask themselves, I can even use them in my classroom for instance: Are you informed on what you are searching?
I know that I can influence my family and friends by being a example of the guidelines in all of the articles. By doing this it means I can share my knowledge with others of what I have learned.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Content Specific Technology

I made a safety brochure for my future class. I will give an assignment that they are directed to complete a safety procedure of the safety unit that we covered. This addresses the Utah Core Curriculum standard that says "Develop strategies for ensuring personal safety in a variety of situations." The students will be able to pick a template from Word and develop a safety brochure that we will use to educate others. The unit previous to this safety unit is about media and the influences that it has. After I teach them about where to find the right resources they will be able to go into the computer lab and look for their own information to use on their brochure. This project will help them learn to develop templates in word as well as search for topics on the previous unit of media.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Content Specific technology

I know that being a health teacher may mean that I am in different classrooms for differnet class periods. I will not be for sure about the technology that will be available in the classroom to me. I decided to go with the brochure making idea set forth and learn how to embelish my brochure making skills in word. I chose to do it from an already made template so my students would be able to better understand something that was already outlined for them. The Core curriculum standard that I am addressing is safety. My students are going to create a brochure that would be able to be reproduced for the community on ways to be safe.

Monday, June 1, 2009


The differences between TPK and TPACK; TPK is simply knowledge of a broad understanding of big concepts and programs. For Instance, being able to use power point, then you are able to make various power points about many different subjects. TPACK is much more broad and focused in on a certain subject field. It is being knowledgeable in the area of your field and being able to use technology to better teach your students.
If I were to use TPK in my profession I would probably demonstrate it by making a power point presentation for my class. I could probably create a note sheet for them to fill out that goes along with my presentation. If I were using TPACK I would have my students go step further and create a short infomercial about the health concept that they valued the most in the previous semester. At the end of the semester I could post all of their videos to my website for their viewing.


This is my asynchronous communication through email, I used by downloading Jing and taking the picture through my email.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Website in progress

This is a link to my website that is under construction!

New Web Tools

Wow, I learned A LOT last week having to do with websites and all the different helpmate tools there are. Most of it came very quickly and easy. It was easier this week than the previous assignments. The hardest thing to master seemed to be the photo editing from picnik. I think it was because I am used to my computer and their website was slow, I was a little impatient. I am excited to start learning about jing and the variety of uses that it has.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Week 2

My short public announcement is going to be information regarding nutrients and density in health. I am going to review basic food groups and show basic everyday foods that fufil those nutrients.

Some of my recorces include:

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I can't believe how much I learned in a couple hours of class! I was very interested in RSS. I know that in my teaching I will be able to link the sites that I think are most important and reference my students to this site. They will be able to comment on my blog and look at the updates from the sites that are most important and pertain to the classroom. I also think that I will be able to create assignments from my blog that will be easier to locate for my students if they are absent.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Well here I am, I said that I would never blog. I would say that I know computers fairly well. I think it is because I am open to the suggestions of learning new things. I am really good at power points, word as well as excel. I do need more help on audio and video files.